As we continue to support the global campaign calling for the academic and cultural boycott of Israel in response to the active genocide of Palestinian people, we wanted to focus our November reading selection on a work that will allow us to delve deeper into the movement for Palestinian liberation. As abolitionists, we know that the world we wish to see cannot be achieved without international solidarity in the struggle for liberation. The world we dream of and work for is borderless and ensures freedom and liberation for all. Yet we have also seen over the last several weeks, that speaking out in support of Palestinian liberation comes with risks and in many cases intense backlash and consequences.
Our November reading selection, Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics by Marc Lamont Hill and Mitchell Plitnick, deftly explores the history of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the role of the US government in supporting and maintaining this occupation, and the multiple challenges and contradictions that emerge in purportedly progressive spaces when addressing and critiquing this occupation.
From the publisher’s site:
“Hill and Plitnick provide a timely and essential intervention by examining multiple dimensions of the Israeli-Palestinian conversation, including Israel’s growing disdain for democracy, the effects of occupation on Palestine, the siege of Gaza, diminishing American funding for Palestinian relief, and the campaign to stigmatize any critique of Israeli occupation. Except for Palestine is a searing polemic and a cri de coeur for elected officials, activists, and everyday citizens alike to align their beliefs and politics with their values.”
We hope that this selection allows us all to develop a deeper understanding of the multiple connections between our individual work as abolitionists and the ongoing global struggle for freedom and liberation. Ultimately, as abolitionists we know that the movement for Palestinian liberation is a liberation movement for us all. We hope that our reflections throughout this month and our conversations in community with each other deepen our connections and our commitment to this global struggle.
Alan & connease